We will implement a variety of measures for judicial restructuring to further standardize law enforcement activities and promote greater fairness in the judiciary, safeguard judicial authority, and make law enforcement strict, fair and civilized. 落实司法体制改革各项措施,进一步规范执法行为,促进司法公正,维护司法权威,实现严格、公正、文明执法。
It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act. 司法机构可以实施、但无法解释基本法,而且只限于可容许的违宪行为。
These missionaries even willfully extended the extraterritoriality to Chinese converts and interfered in Chinese judicial authority. 这些传教士还肆意将治外法权延伸至中国信徒,干涉司法。
The most important foundation of the judicial authority is the mass, especially the litigant's approval and understanding. 司法公信和权威的首要基础,是人民大众尤其是具体案件当事人对司法公正的认同和理解。
Therefore, the building of an impartial and neutral image of judges is a prerequisite and basis for social trust in judges, and is also an effective approach to establishment of judicial authority. 所以,树立公正、中立的法官形象是建立社会对法官心理信任的前提和基础,也是树立司法的权威的有效途径。
Thus, the judicial authority can be maintained and the taxpayers'rights and benefits can be protected. 只有这样才能维护司法的权威,并保护纳税主体的权利。
There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial, and judicial authority. 神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。
The judge exercises the duties and powers of his office. The Governor and Council assumed full judicial authority. 法官执行任务并行于职权。地方长官和财务会掌管着全部司法权。
The latest ruling was judged not on the merits of the allegations against him but a technical issue over whether the Swedish public prosecutor counted as a "judicial authority", with powers of extradition. 最高法院裁定的依据,并不是阿桑奇面临的指控是否合乎情理,而是瑞典检方是否具有“司法权威”,并因而具有引渡权的技术问题。
The highest judicial authority resides in the Supreme court. 最高判决权力在最高法院。
The criminal object of this crime is judicial authority's normal activity. 本罪侵犯的客体是司法机关的正常活动。
These two laws stipulate that public procurators and judges have the right, according to law, to independently exercise procuratorial power and judicial authority without interference from any administrative organs, social communities and individuals; 这两项法律中分别规定,检察官、法官有权依法独立行使检察权、审判权,不受任何行政机关、社会团体和个人干涉;
The Supreme Court-Our Country's Highest Judicial Authority 最高法院-美国的最高司法机关
If the law passes," we will sue Appenzell," he says, vowing to take the case all the way to the Federal Court& Switzerland's highest judicial authority. 如果法律通过了,“我们将起诉罗德阿,”他说,并发誓要采取一切案件的方式向联邦法院&瑞士的最高司法部门申诉。
With development of society, system of procedure for supervision upon adjudication can't bear the heavy load more and more; in addition there are some theoretical misunderstandings in practice which have influenced the judicial authority to a certain extent. 摘要随着社会的进步,我国的刑事审判监督制度越来越显得不堪重负;加之审判监督程序在理论上和实践中存在一些误区,一定程度上影响了司法权威。
Administrative authority should accept the review and supervision of judicial authority. 提出行政权力应当接受司法权的审查与监督。
They did not accept that the Swedish prosecutor was the wrong judicial authority to order an extradition; 法官们不接受他们认为瑞典检察官不是正确的司法权威要求引渡;
The civil judicial discretion is the key factor in the application of civil law and a kind of specific method for civil judges to use their judicial authority as well. 民事自由裁量权是民事法律适用中不可或缺的内容,也是民事法官行使审判权的一种具体方式。
They must coordinate the executive and legislative authorities with the judicial authority. 他们必须使行政、立法和司法三权配合。
Now that the basis, theory boundary being sentenced to force have system to render a service saying mainly, procedure ensures lower say, double ego imputation basis composing the quarrel, country judicial authority says civil court decision. 民事判决既判力的根据,理论界主要有制度效力说、程序保障下的自我归责说、双重根据说和国家审判权说。
The governor and Council assumed full judicial authority. 地方长官和财务会掌管着全部司法权。
Traditionally, Switzerland has not co-operated in requests for information about foreigners holding offshore accounts who are suspected of tax evasion – unless the foreign tax or judicial authority has demonstrated actual fraud. 传统上,瑞士没有在此类要求上进行过合作披露持有离岸帐户并涉嫌逃税的外国人的相关信息除非外国税务或司法机关已证明欺诈属实。
But the lack of humanization of our civil retrial procedure has hindered the realization of retrial justice, and will lead to loss of judicial authority. 但我国民事再审程序人性化的缺失,不仅妨碍了再审价值的实现,而且极易导致司法权威的失落。
There is still large deficiency for the current judicial authority to meet the people's needs of justice, for the prosecution's duty of litigation supervision doesn't perform well. 当前我国司法机关在满足群众的司法需求方面还仍存在较大的不足,检察机关诉讼监督的职责履行不到位是产生该情形的一个重要原因。
To be administered by an independent and impartial administrative or judicial authority. 由独立和公正的行政或司法机关加以实施。
Reply after Trial or Explanation in Trial: How to Realize Judicial Authority? 判后答疑还是审判释疑:司法权威何以实现?
In the long term of lawyer careers, Lawyer Huang has built a well relationship with various ranks of judicial authority. 黄律师在长期的律师执业生涯中与各级司法机关建立了良好的工作互动关系。
Lawyer Liu has been working for judicial authority with inheritedexcellent tradition of law practitioners. 刘律师一直在政法部门工作,具有办案人员的优秀传统。
Whether law enforcement agency to anti-monopoly law should have independent judicial authority or not? 反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权?
Unfairness or Weakness of Justice: the Research on the Loss of Judicial Authority and the Way out 司法不公抑或司法无力&论当前我国司法权威流失缘由及其出路